"Melina Mercouri called for the protest march, and Demokratia was one of the groups that responded. Melina, Jules Dassin, and Spyro Mercouri in lead. I believe the man on the far right is Paul Nord. In second line is Peter Seeger who sang." December 20, 1967
"Note there was some resistance to the slogan
Free All Political Prisoners as some anti-junta
were anti-Communists and didn't want to be
seen defending same. I was sarcastic in offering
the slogans Free Some Political Prisoners or
Free Political Prisoners We Agree With. Reason
prevailed. Melina was solid. No major public
debate emerge but noting this to show how
diverse the movement was." (Dan Georgakas, personal communication)
Dan Georgakas speaking at rally before the UN. Melina Mercouri
in background introduced all the speakers.
"The Melina Mercouri event already noted. Talking with reporter. Not sure who central
figure is. Tall guy in white coat is Zach Kokkinos. He and his sister were in
Demokratia. Dan Georgakas and Costas Stergiou lead the Demokratia group in the parade to the UN led by Melina Mercouri."